Which Internet Providers Operate in my Province? Sort Below to see
Province | Carrier | Learn More |
Alberta | Bell | Learn More |
Alberta | AB net | |
Alberta | AB North | |
Alberta | AireNet Internet Solutions | |
Alberta | Alberta Communication | |
Alberta | Alberta SuperNet | |
Alberta | Arrow Technology Group | |
Alberta | Broadband Surfer Canada | |
Alberta | CCL Networks | |
Alberta | Clearwave Broadband Networks | |
Alberta | Columbia Basin Broadband Corporation | |
Alberta | Corridor Communications | |
Alberta | DigitalWeb | |
Alberta | Rogers | Learn More |
Alberta | Eastlink | |
Alberta | Shaw | Learn More |
Alberta | EIDNet | |
Alberta | ExpressLink | |
Alberta | First Broadband | |
Alberta | Freedom Mobile | |
Alberta | Galaxy Broadband | |
Alberta | GPNetworks | |
Alberta | HyTek | |
Alberta | I Want Wireless | |
Alberta | Infinity Internet Solutions | |
Alberta | Sasktel | Learn More |
Alberta | Light Link Technologies | |
Alberta | Lynx Network | |
Alberta | MCS Net | |
Alberta | Mighty Peace Wireless | |
Alberta | Milk River Cable Club | |
Alberta | Missing Link Internet | |
Alberta | NETAGO | |
Alberta | North East Online Network | |
Alberta | NorthwestTel | |
Alberta | O-NET | |
Alberta | Peace Region Internet Society PRIS | |
Alberta | Rigstar Communications | |
Alberta | Slave Lake Communications | |
Alberta | Syban System | |
Alberta | Telus | |
Alberta | TeraGo | |
Alberta | Tough Country Communications | |
Alberta | Velocity Networks | |
Alberta | wispernetca | |
Alberta | Xplornet | |
British Colombia | ABC Communications | |
British Colombia | AirSpeed | |
British Colombia | Atlin Community Network | |
British Colombia | Base Technology | |
British Colombia | Beacon | |
British Colombia | Bell | Learn More |
British Colombia | Brooks Bay Cable | |
British Colombia | Burton Internet Society | |
British Colombia | CCCS | |
British Colombia | China Creek Internet | |
British Colombia | Cintek | |
British Colombia | CityWest | |
British Colombia | Columbia Basin Broadband Corporation | |
British Colombia | Columbia Wireless | |
British Colombia | Conuma Cable | |
British Colombia | CP Electronics | |
British Colombia | Cybernet Communications | |
British Colombia | East Shore Internet Society | |
British Colombia | Eastlink | |
British Colombia | Edgewood Wireless Internet | |
British Colombia | Evolve Communications | |
British Colombia | FlexiNET | |
British Colombia | Freedom Mobile | |
British Colombia | Galaxy Broadband | |
British Colombia | Gambier Radio Internet | |
British Colombia | Gillies Bay Internet Society | |
British Colombia | GPNetworks | |
British Colombia | Gulf Islands Cable | |
British Colombia | Gwaii Communications | |
British Colombia | GwaiiTel Society | |
British Colombia | ispeed Communications | |
British Colombia | Kaslo Infonet Society | |
British Colombia | Keta Cable | |
British Colombia | Lasqueti Internet Access Society | |
British Colombia | LookieLoo | |
British Colombia | LyttonNet | |
British Colombia | Mascon | |
British Colombia | Max Internet Technology | |
British Colombia | Minto Communications Society | |
British Colombia | MyBC Datacom | |
British Colombia | Network Integrated Communications | |
British Colombia | nicolaNET | |
British Colombia | Nimpkish Valley Communication | |
British Colombia | North East Online Network | |
British Colombia | NorthwestTel | |
British Colombia | Novus | |
British Colombia | OneGigabit | |
British Colombia | Paragon Internet | |
British Colombia | Peace Region Internet Society PRIS | |
British Colombia | PEAK Internet | |
British Colombia | Raftview Communications (Mascon) | |
British Colombia | Ragged Edge Community Network | |
British Colombia | Red Mountain | |
British Colombia | RhiCom Networks | |
British Colombia | Rigstar Communications | |
British Colombia | Riondel Cable Society | |
British Colombia | Robson Valley Internet | |
British Colombia | Rogers | Learn More |
British Colombia | Rose Island Ventures | |
British Colombia | Saturna Net | |
British Colombia | Sayward Valley | |
British Colombia | Shaw | Learn More |
British Colombia | South Island Cable | |
British Colombia | South Kountry Cable | |
British Colombia | Swift Internet | |
British Colombia | Tatlayoko Think Tank | |
British Colombia | Tech Futures | |
British Colombia | Telus | |
British Colombia | TeraGo | |
British Colombia | TNW | |
British Colombia | Tough Country Communications | |
British Colombia | Trout Lake BC Internet Society | |
British Colombia | Twincomm | |
British Colombia | Village of Granisle | |
British Colombia | West Island Cable | |
British Colombia | Wink Wireless | |
British Colombia | Wynndel Internet Society | |
British Colombia | Xplornet | |
British Colombia | Yahk Area Communication Society | |
Manitoba | 3T Systems | |
Manitoba | Bell | Learn More |
Manitoba | Bell MTS | Learn More |
Manitoba | Broadband Communications North | |
Manitoba | Commstream | |
Manitoba | First Communications | |
Manitoba | Genesis Networks | |
Manitoba | Gillam Cable TV | |
Manitoba | HBNI | |
Manitoba | Norway House Cree Nation Broadband | |
Manitoba | Ochekwi-Sipi Internet Services | |
Manitoba | Prairie Sky | |
Manitoba | Present | |
Manitoba | Quick Stream | |
Manitoba | RFNow | |
Manitoba | Rionet Wireless | |
Manitoba | Rogers | Learn More |
Manitoba | Sasktel | Learn More |
Manitoba | Shaw | Learn More |
Manitoba | Simply Connected | |
Manitoba | Soaring Heights Technology | |
Manitoba | TCMS | |
Manitoba | Telus | |
Manitoba | TeraGo | |
Manitoba | Trans Canada Internet | |
Manitoba | Valley Fiber | |
Manitoba | VISP | |
Manitoba | Voyageur Internet | |
Manitoba | Waterside Wireless | |
Manitoba | Westman Communications | |
Manitoba | Xplornet | |
New Brunswick | Bell | Learn More |
New Brunswick | Eastlink | |
New Brunswick | F6 Networks | |
New Brunswick | Navigue | |
New Brunswick | Present | |
New Brunswick | Proximity Fibre | |
New Brunswick | Rogers | Learn More |
New Brunswick | Seaside | |
New Brunswick | Telus | |
New Brunswick | Vidéotron | |
New Brunswick | Xplornet | |
Newfoundland | Bell | Learn More |
Newfoundland | Benoit Cablevision | |
Newfoundland | Burgeo Broadcasting System | |
Newfoundland | CRRS | |
Newfoundland | Eastlink | |
Newfoundland | Great Northern Wireless | |
Newfoundland | IceNet Wireless | |
Newfoundland | Naskapi Imuun | |
Newfoundland | Present | |
Newfoundland | Rogers | Learn More |
Newfoundland | Telus | |
Newfoundland | Tower Telecom Ltd | |
Newfoundland | Xplornet | |
Nova Scotia | Acadian Communications | |
Nova Scotia | Bell | Learn More |
Nova Scotia | Cross Country | |
Nova Scotia | Eastlink | |
Nova Scotia | F6 Networks | |
Nova Scotia | Mainland Telecom | |
Nova Scotia | NCS Network | |
Nova Scotia | North Nova Cable | |
Nova Scotia | Present | |
Nova Scotia | Rogers | Learn More |
Nova Scotia | Seaside | |
Nova Scotia | Telus | |
Nova Scotia | TNC Wireless | |
Nova Scotia | Xplornet | |
Northwest Territories | Bell | Learn More |
Northwest Territories | ICE Wireless | |
Northwest Territories | New North Networks | |
Northwest Territories | NorthwestTel | |
Northwest Territories | Ssi Micro | |
Northwest Territories | Telus | |
Northwest Territories | Xplornet | |
Nunavut | Bell | Learn More |
Nunavut | ICE Wireless | |
Nunavut | NorthwestTel | |
Nunavut | Ssi Micro | |
Nunavut | Telus | |
Nunavut | Xplornet | |
Ontario | 4Pairless | |
Ontario | Airnet Wireless | |
Ontario | Andrews Wireless | |
Ontario | Aptum | |
Ontario | Astrocom | |
Ontario | BAI Communications | |
Ontario | Bell | Learn More |
Ontario | Bell MTS | Learn More |
Ontario | Black Creek TV | |
Ontario | Bonnechere Communications | |
Ontario | Brooke Telecom | |
Ontario | Bruce Telecom | |
Ontario | Cable Cable | |
Ontario | Cablevision | |
Ontario | Celerity Telecom | |
Ontario | CHB Highspeed | |
Ontario | Clearlink Networks | |
Ontario | CochraneTel | |
Ontario | Cogeco Connexion | |
Ontario | Communicate Freely | |
Ontario | Communication Témiscamingue | |
Ontario | Community Fibre Company | |
Ontario | Coop CSUR | |
Ontario | CORE Broadband | |
Ontario | Cottage Country Internet | |
Ontario | Detour Wireless | |
Ontario | DigiTelWebs | |
Ontario | DMTS | |
Ontario | Eastlink | |
Ontario | EH!Tel | |
Ontario | Execulink | |
Ontario | Falcon Internet Services | |
Ontario | Festival Hydro | |
Ontario | FiberNet Wireless | |
Ontario | FiberSpeed | |
Ontario | Firefly Networks | |
Ontario | Freedom Mobile | |
Ontario | Galaxy Broadband | |
Ontario | GBTEL Inc | |
Ontario | Gosfield North Communications | |
Ontario | goZoom | |
Ontario | Grand Bend Cable TV | |
Ontario | Hastings Cable Vision | |
Ontario | Hawkesbury IGS | |
Ontario | Hay | |
Ontario | HCE Telecom | |
Ontario | Hearst Connect | |
Ontario | Huron telecommunications | |
Ontario | Internet Lake Simcoe | |
Ontario | Internet Papineau | |
Ontario | IXICA | |
Ontario | Killaloe Cable | |
Ontario | Kingston Online Services | |
Ontario | KMTS | |
Ontario | K-Net | |
Ontario | KWIC Internet | |
Ontario | Lakeland Energy | |
Ontario | LansdowneTel | |
Ontario | Last Mile Wireless Internet | |
Ontario | Markdale Communications | |
Ontario | MaskaTel | |
Ontario | Max ISP | |
Ontario | MegaWire | |
Ontario | Micro Solve | |
Ontario | Mitchell Seaforth Cable | |
Ontario | MNSi | |
Ontario | Mornington | |
Ontario | Netflash Internet Solutions | |
Ontario | NetSpectrum | |
Ontario | Nexicom Systems | |
Ontario | NFTC | |
Ontario | Niagara Regional Broadband Network | |
Ontario | No Limits Internet | |
Ontario | NOR DEL Cablevision | |
Ontario | North Renfrew Telephone Company | |
Ontario | Northern Rural Net | |
Ontario | Northern Tel | |
Ontario | NorthWind Wireless | |
Ontario | NWIC | |
Ontario | Ontario Highspeed Wireless | |
Ontario | ontarioeast.net | |
Ontario | Ontera | |
Ontario | ParoLink | |
Ontario | PioneerWireless | |
Ontario | Present | |
Ontario | PTP Broadband | |
Ontario | Quadro Communications | |
Ontario | Réseau Picanoc.net | |
Ontario | ReachCast | |
Ontario | Rogers | Learn More |
Ontario | Routcom | |
Ontario | Rural Wave | |
Ontario | Saugeen Driftwood | |
Ontario | Shaw | Learn More |
Ontario | Silo Wireless | |
Ontario | SkyChoice Communications | |
Ontario | SLICC | |
Ontario | Source Cable | |
Ontario | Standard Broadband | |
Ontario | Storm Internet | |
Ontario | Télébec | |
Ontario | TbayTel | |
Ontario | TCV | |
Ontario | TekSavvy Solutions | |
Ontario | Telus | |
Ontario | TeraGo | |
Ontario | Trio Networks Inc | |
Ontario | True 802 Wireless Inc | |
Ontario | Tuckersmith Communications | |
Ontario | Ultrafast Wireless | |
Ontario | Vianet | |
Ontario | Vidéotron | |
Ontario | WaveDirect | |
Ontario | Whitewater Internet | |
Ontario | Wightman Communications | |
Ontario | WTC Communications | |
Ontario | Xplornet | |
Prince Edward Island | Air Tech Communications | |
Prince Edward Island | Bell | Learn More |
Prince Edward Island | Eastlink | |
Prince Edward Island | Present | |
Prince Edward Island | Rogers | Learn More |
Prince Edward Island | Route 2 | |
Prince Edward Island | Seaside | |
Prince Edward Island | Telus | |
Prince Edward Island | Xplornet | |
Quebec | airFib | |
Quebec | Aptum | |
Quebec | Beauce Sans Fil | |
Quebec | Beauce Télécom | |
Quebec | Bell | Learn More |
Quebec | Câble Axion Digitel | |
Quebec | Câble TV des Plateaux | |
Quebec | Cable Amos | |
Quebec | Cablevision | |
Quebec | Cablovision Warwick | |
Quebec | CCAP | |
Quebec | Cogeco Connexion | |
Quebec | Communication Stratford | |
Quebec | Communication Témiscamingue | |
Quebec | Communications Charlevoix | |
Quebec | Communications Télésignal | |
Quebec | Compagnie de téléphone de Courcelles | |
Quebec | Coop Câblo Leeds | |
Quebec | Coop CSUR | |
Quebec | Coop Isle-aux-Coudres | |
Quebec | Coop Les Éboulements | |
Quebec | Coop Notre-Dame Des Monts | |
Quebec | Coop Sainte-Agathe | |
Quebec | Coop Ste-Catherine-Fossambault | |
Quebec | Coop Ste-Hedwidge | |
Quebec | Coop St-Henri-de-Taillon | |
Quebec | Coop Télé-câble Ste-Clotilde | |
Quebec | Coopérative Antenne T.V. St-Zacharie | |
Quebec | Coopérative régionale de câblodistribution de la côte nord | |
Quebec | Coopérative Vert l'Avenir | |
Quebec | CoopTel | |
Quebec | DÉRYtélécom | |
Quebec | Diffusion Fermont | |
Quebec | Digicom Internet sans fil | |
Quebec | Duclos Michaud Télécom | |
Quebec | Eeyou Communications Network ECN | |
Quebec | ELPC | |
Quebec | Filau Fibre Internet Laurentides | |
Quebec | First Nations Wireless | |
Quebec | Freedom Mobile | |
Quebec | Galaxy Broadband | |
Quebec | Gaspesiennet | |
Quebec | goZoom | |
Quebec | GroupAcces Communications | |
Quebec | Hawkesbury IGS | |
Quebec | Henri | |
Quebec | ICE Wireless | |
Quebec | IHR Telecom | |
Quebec | Internet Papineau | |
Quebec | internexe | |
Quebec | Kinwapt Cable | |
Quebec | K-Net | |
Quebec | Manawan Télécommunications Atikamekw | |
Quebec | MaskaTel | |
Quebec | MRC de Minganie | |
Quebec | MRC Montcalm | |
Quebec | Naskapi Imuun | |
Quebec | Navigue | |
Quebec | Nexicom Systems | |
Quebec | North Renfrew Telephone Company | |
Quebec | Northern Tel | |
Quebec | NorthWind Wireless | |
Quebec | Ondenet | |
Quebec | Openface | |
Quebec | ParoLink | |
Quebec | PioneerWireless | |
Quebec | Present | |
Quebec | Réseau Brodeur Wifi | |
Quebec | Réseau Internet Maskoutain | |
Quebec | Réseau Picanoc.net | |
Quebec | Rogers | Learn More |
Quebec | RTC Havre-Saint-Pierre | |
Quebec | Saint François Télécommunications | |
Quebec | Shaw | Learn More |
Quebec | Sogetel | |
Quebec | Télé Câble Multivision | |
Quebec | Télébec | |
Quebec | Télé-Câble La Conception | |
Quebec | Téléphone de Lambton | |
Quebec | Tamaani Internet | |
Quebec | Targo Communications | |
Quebec | Tata Communications | |
Quebec | TCV | |
Quebec | TelKel | |
Quebec | Telus | |
Quebec | TeraGo | |
Quebec | Transvision Cookshire | |
Quebec | Trio Networks Inc | |
Quebec | Vianet | |
Quebec | Vidéotron | |
Quebec | Vivowave | |
Quebec | Voom Internet | |
Quebec | Whitewater Internet | |
Quebec | Xplornet | |
Saskatchewan | Access Communications | |
Saskatchewan | Askivision | |
Saskatchewan | Bell | Learn More |
Saskatchewan | Bell MTS | Learn More |
Saskatchewan | CCL Networks | |
Saskatchewan | Columbia Basin Broadband Corporation | |
Saskatchewan | Corridor Communications | |
Saskatchewan | ExpressLink | |
Saskatchewan | GotGeek | |
Saskatchewan | iNET2000 | |
Saskatchewan | Infinity Internet Solutions | |
Saskatchewan | MCS Net | |
Saskatchewan | NETAGO | |
Saskatchewan | Prairie Crocus Rural Internet | |
Saskatchewan | Redbird | |
Saskatchewan | RFNow | |
Saskatchewan | Rogers | Learn More |
Saskatchewan | Sasktel | Learn More |
Saskatchewan | Shaw | Learn More |
Saskatchewan | Signal Direct | |
Saskatchewan | Stafford Communications | |
Saskatchewan | Telus | |
Saskatchewan | Wood River Controls | |
Saskatchewan | Xplornet | |
Saskatchewan | YourLink Inc | |
Yukon | Bell | Learn More |
Yukon | ICE Wireless | |
Yukon | NorthwestTel | |
Yukon | Telus | |
Yukon | TNW | |
Yukon | Xplornet |